Well done to Eli and Uliana, who received the March "Student of the Month" award for their excellence in commitment, cheerfulness, engagement, and productivity. 👏
March flew by as usual this year, with little over two weeks of school before the spring break arrived. Unlike usual, however, our dormitory students (and many day students alike) found themselves in isolation as part of a covid-related precaution. This combination of being unable to spend time with as many friends as usual, with spring break just around the corner, creates a situation that can easily test our motivation and focus.
In this light, we can see how the qualities of commitment, cheerfulness, engagement, and productivity shown by Eli and Uliana set them apart this month: such qualities help us stay motivated, proactive, and underpin our efforts to achieve our goals - no matter the situation we face.
The following students also received recognition from many teachers for their effort and behaviour this month:
Sonya, Laura, Manuela, Layla, Rafael, Zdenka, Payvand, Jaleh, Lucas, Pedro, Jan, Mey, Ruirui, and Victor.
Well done to you all!
