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Secondary School Highlights - March 2021

March has really flown by, with only a few weeks of lessons before students dispersed for spring break in the middle of the month. There was a lot going on online - Education Perfect learning festivals, competitions, and plenty of chess. Students on campus were kept busy in the dormitories, and we are very much looking forward to their return over the next two weeks.

Here are some of the highlights:

Education Perfect

Education Perfect, our teaching and learning platform, hosted two events in March: the Global Learning Festival, and the Languages Championship.

Global Learning Festival

Running from 8-12 March, Education Perfect's Global Learning Festival was an exciting 5-day event for students in grades 7 to 9. It aimed to encourage engagement and learning within English, Mathematics and Science through friendly competition and an array of fun, interactive learning activities.

🏅 Well done to Oscar in Grade 9, Yiru in Grade 8, and Layla in Grade 8 for coming 1st, 2nd, and 3rd out of all the Townshend students who participated. In addition, well done Oscar and Yiru for achieving the Silver Award (top 6% worldwide) and Credit, respectively.

Languages Championship

The Education Perfect Languages Championship ran from March 16-23. The competition was aimed at students of all abilities, and gave them the opportunity to practise their listening, reading, writing and speaking skills through engaging, interactive activities - while having fun competing against other Languages students around the world!

🏅 Well done to Laura in Level 2, who scored in the top 1% of students around the world, winning the esteemed Emerald award.

Chess tournaments

March was an interesting month for our chess players. Farid can already celebrate twice: on the 5th March and 19th March he won the gold medal. Congratulations, Farid!

Informal chess matches continued through the Townshend spring holiday, taking advantage of the online platforms available. After the break, the 10th official Chess tournament will take place. This will be the finale of the tournaments organised by the local Chess Academy under the Institute of Technology and Business (VSTE), that cheered our students on during the lockdown and online learning.

It would be nice to see as many Townshend students as possible participating - any interested players can book the 9th April for this big closing of the tournaments. Please contact Mrs. Olga Shivairova for further information.

Dormitory Events

The dormitories have been keeping busy this month, with students baking together, having film nights, sleepovers, dorm meetings, spiritual cafe's, and a celebration for Naw Ruz. The girls' dorm has been particularly creative this month with a series of "matching colour" days, with students and staff following a specific colour-scheme every day for the last week of term.

Some of the highlights have been:

  • Baking cakes

  • Making pizza

  • Crafting cards for primary school

  • Celebrating Naw Ruz

  • Spiritual Cafe

  • Outdoor Prayers and Sharing time

  • Dorm & Seniors Meetings

  • Matching Colour Days

Click the photos below to find out more.


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