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Prague Airport to Townshend

Public Transit (3-4 hr, approx. $15 USD per person + $15 Taxi)


Taking public transit to the school is possible. First you would need to catch the Airport Express bus from the airport, the stop is located just outside the terminal, and it notated with a sign that says AE. This bus (45 minute trip) will take you to the Prague central train station, Hlavni Nadrazi, from which you can then take a train to Ceske Budejovice (2-3hr depending on the train). The tickets for this entire trip can be bought at the travel information booth at the airport, and will cost you about 300 Czech Koruna per person. Once you arrive in Ceske Budejovice, the best way to get to the school is by Taxi, which should take about 20 minutes and cost 300CZK (approx. $15 USD). The schools address is:


Townshend International School

Mezinárodní škola

Hradčany 1070

373 41

Hluboká nad Vltavou


Taxi (2 hr, approx. $120 USD)


If you are looking to use a Taxi, it will be significantly more expensive as it is a long journey, however there is a Taxi company which the school uses, and we can arrange for them to pick you up from the airport. It will cost you about 2500 Czech Koruna, which is about 120 USD. The taxi will take you directly to the school dormitories. Please contact the school to have this arranged one week prior to your arrival, you can contact the school at +420 387 688 113 or

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